Sue Trigg

owner & director

Sue Trigg

Meet Sue! If you’ve used Settlement Talk in the past, you’re bound to have spoken to Sue. She’s the brilliance behind the entire operation, and our Owner & Director. Oh, and her 2IC, Office Supervisor, Monty

Pop by the office to see Sue and no doubt she’ll be coffee in hand. It’s all about the coffee and don’t be surprised if you hear her break out singing random 80’s songs when you’re in the office. I mean, who can blame her? There was no better era.

We won’t tell you exactly how long Sue’s been in settlements, but let’s just say it was before mobile phones, computers and fax machines. Yes, that long. And it’s meant she’s built up an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience that you get to leverage with her on your property team.

And the reason why she’s been in property settlements for so long? Well, in her words… “Each person and property is different. Selling/buying property is the single biggest thing most people do in their lifetime and to be part of that, is really special.

It’s not always easy, but the challenges make it great as well. I love what I do, and being involved not just in settlements, but with the Industry, being my time on the AICWA Council and the CPC Committee, is what I love.”

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    Settlement Talk is committed to providing high standards of service with custom tailored solutions. Even for a seemingly straightforward deal, property transactions are a complex process. You need an experienced conveyancer to protect your interests at all times.

    Depending on the arrangement with your real estate agent, we are able to engage with you as a preferred vendor or be allocated by your realtor. We suggest you give us a call to discuss how we can work together.

    Contact Us

    Our focus is on helping you with all your settlement requirements this includes settlement agencies, settlement fees and property settlement.